Membership and General Information
The Boone County Medical Society (BCMS) offers several levels of memberships. Those who join at the resident, honorary, student, and retired physician levels pay no dues.
Membership dues: Residents & Medical Students: FREE First-year practice: $56.25 Second-year practice: $112.50 Third-year practice: $225.00 Active membership: $225.00 SPECIAL Offer for 2025: First time members can join for a 50% discount! The first rate of membership is $112.50. The BCMS Board of Directors meets the first Tuesday of every month (alternative dates on/near holidays). In addition, the goal is to return to three to four general membership dinner meetings per year (free for members). The Boone County Medical Society has two scholarship funds (BCMS and Ladenson) which are awarded yearly, and provide financial support for MUlation, and the Missouri Physicians Health Program. At our Annual Gala our new officers are installed, our Distinguished Physician Award is presented, and 50-year physicians are acknowledged. The gala includes a social hour, dinner, and live entertainment. We work with Mizzou Medical Society and have a liaison from their society on our board. Our board consists of four officers, the immediate past president, and seven physician members. The board meets monthly to make the decisions that affect members. If you'd like to learn more about BCMS, attend an upcoming meeting as a guest, or become involved, contact Executive Director Jill Hancock at 573-635-2173 or by email. |